A Kajira's Tail

Life As A Gorean Slave Girl

Location: Houston, Texas, United States

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Shayla's always maintained that nothing would get her to voluntarily go to California. Just the other day shayla came back from two weeks in Los Angeles

One of our family friends has been needing some help with his household. The details aren't important, simply that shayla came to help get the house in order.

This has been in the works for a couple months, though it was just decided in August when the trip would be taking place. Shayla's known Rick for three years, though had never met him face-to-face before. The internet's good for that sort of thing, it seems. Meeting & getting close to people without actually being in the same room with them.

Rick's as Gorean as Master is. He's got a different style of managing things, perhaps a little more easy-going, but still just as firm when he decides the situation warrants. Shayla's got a great deal of respect for him. Actually, if anything were to happen to Master, Rick'd 'inherit' her.

Though flying into LAX isn't something shayla'd been looking forward to. Rick'd given her specific instructions: Get your baggage, & then give me a call and i'll leave work to come get you. Pretty simple. Shayla got off the plane, walked downstairs, and there's this man standing by a Starbuck's booth who turns to her and says, 'hi, Shayla'.

There was a moment when the man seemed familiar, but shayla couldn't place him. She just looked at him a couple seconds, then said, 'I know you from somewhere, but i've really got to go'. Then went off to baggage claim. Only to come to a halt about 20 feet away when her squeaky gears finally put things together and she realized that she'd just brushed off the Master she'd be serving, belonging to, for the next two weeks. It'd never entered her head that he'd get there & be waiting for her.

About-facing put her nose-to-chest with that same blonde man, who was grinning like a Cheshire cat. He'd followed her after she'd passed him by, just to 'see how things happened'. Rick said that shayla had a 'deer in the headlights' look. And that he could see when she finally realized just who he was, before she even turned around.

Master'd wanted shayla to 'give a good first impression'. And here she'd had no chance to fix her makeup, hair, or much of anything. And then compleatly blows off the man that she was here to serve. Talk about mortified. But Rick wasn't irritated, actually we're still chuckling about it. The whole thing was rather funny. Though it would have been better if shayla'd thought to realize who he was before brushing him off.

He had another chuckle when shayla told him Master's response to hearing the story, 'So, you failed the first intelligence quiz, did you?'

Rick commented about it earlier tonight while we were talking about it - "Cost to fly a kajira to the west coast: $300; cost to feed and board her for two weeks: $100; seeing the look on her face when she fails to recognise you at the airport: priceless"

Priceless. That's a good way to describe the whole trip.
