A Kajira's Tail

Life As A Gorean Slave Girl

Location: Houston, Texas, United States

Monday, August 21, 2006

The Dungeon

Miranda's discovered a new (for her) hangout in New Orleans,
The Dungeon. It's off Bourbon Street. Go snoop, it's very interesting. Even more so to be actually there.

The entry to the front part of the bar is easily missed if you don't know just what you're looking for. The Quarter has got a lot of narrow doorways leading to passageways (often no wider than a yard) in between buildings, the entrance to the Dungeon is one of those. Shayla's used to broad, open approaches to places, so walking into a doorway into a narrow passage like that was rather unsettling.

The place is very dark, and the rooms seem smaller than anticipated (to shayla, anyway). A whole variety of people spill in from Bourbon St. On one occasion, a girl started 'coming on' to shayla, feigning interest in the collar. She disappeared quickly when Master pointed out that it wasn't a necklace, but a collar. And it seems as though the more you look, the more you see there. And loud, very loud.

We wound up in the upstairs area, on the dance floor. Part of why miranda likes the place as well as she does is they let her go topless. Nobody objects at all. This particular night we brought a friend along. Sean, while he lives in the Quarter, had never been there. We danced for a little while upstairs while they talked. And observed. Though one man decided to get way too familiar with miranda. Master had a serious nose-to-nose talk with him. The guy listened very attentively, and didn't cause any further problem.

Sean's a divorcee, & has lived the typical American life (complete with 2 kids) for years. So the three of us, and our lifestyle seemed to be both a shock and very refreshing to him. The four of us wound up sitting in the Dungeon for a while, talking about it all. It's always fun, discussing our life with someone who knows little to nothing about it. Not for the shock value, but to see them realize, and often understand, how our life works.
