A Kajira's Tail

Life As A Gorean Slave Girl

Location: Houston, Texas, United States

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Texan Men

Shayla's always considered men to be a species separate from women. They think differently, are made differently, have different priorities. Of course, that's no surprise to anyone reading this. Having been in Texas for 6 months now, shayla's developing a theory that men have a sub-species, the Texas man.

They're very similar to the others, but there are some very interesting differences. One friend of shayla's attributes it to the water down here. An ordinary man likes to flirt, can be polite, even be a little more than just flirtatious, though not all at once, or rarely even in the same hour. And often it's as though they aren't sincere in what they're saying. Correction, it's obvious they're not sincere.

Texan men are very refreshing in that they're sincere in what they're doing. More than once shayla's had a man come on to her even at the same time he's being completely polite and respectful. It's flattering, refreshing, and they seem to enjoy being on the receiving end of the same. And they seem to enjoy intelligent conversation every bit as much as they enjoy the flirting and all. Occasionally shayla's come across a man that she'd just as soon not interact with, but the majority of the men in this area are an interesting combination of flattering, respectful, sincere, and playful. All wrapped into one package. And most of the packages are very attractive.

And one of these men owns her. Not only Texan, but Gorean Texan Marine. Shayla used to say that she was doomed. She is. Gotta love it.


Monday, May 02, 2005


As with any other woman in this society, shayla was in, shall we say, less than ideal physical condition when she came to her Master. Baldly put, she was overweight. Master immediately began to work on that particular facet. Aside from pleasing him, her main goal is to get into shape.

Many women would say that Master's just wanting her to look good for himself, but it's much more than that. Each time the topic is brought up Master asks shayla if she can imagine how she'll feel about herself when she reaches her target weight. And as time goes by, she gets more and more feedback from not only Master, but the people she works with and comes across about how much better she's looking. And it really affects her feelings for herself. A confirmation of how she's doing, encouragement that her effort really is doing something. Though nobody's compliment, admiring glance, nothing compares to Master's smile when he takes a moment to look at how she's progressing.

Target weight? What's shayla's target weight? She asked Master that exact question tonight. His reponse, 'I don't know, it might be another four pounds from now, if you keep building muscle.' As always, he's right. Shayla's not been the size she is now since she was 18. And has long since forgotten what it was like to have that stature again. And she's still got a couple trouble spots to deal with. So not only Master, but shayla also is in new territory. Progress has been uneven, but always in the same direction.

As it is, right now shayla already is a bit proud (at least, as much as is proper for a kajira to be) of how she looks right now. While she almost doesn't recognize herself in the mirror anymore, she enjoys knowing that the strange, increasingly lovely, almost slender woman looking back at her is actually herself. Right now, it's a little odd to shayla to have certain physical aspects re-emerging. The shape of her legs, bone structure in her face, even her hands and arms have been changing. The anklet that shayla wears continually has been loose enough she's had to remove an inches worth of links from it. Clothes that were snug even six weeks ago have begun to be loose on her.

So what's her target, her physical goal? Master'll let her know when she gets there. In the meantime she's going to enjoy the fact that she's less than 25 pounds away from where she was when all the weight gain started, & up the intensity of her workouts.


Sunday, May 01, 2005


Shayla's not certain if she's ever mentioned how attractive her Master is. So she's doing it now. Attractive, charismatic, in better shape than any number of men half his age, doesn't smoke (slight pause while she catches her breath). Sometimes shayla's astounded that a man like him was the one that caught and owns her.

Master's job puts him in direct contact with a lot of the public, including a great deal of women. Who are just as happy to notice the above-mentioned qualities as shayla has. And aren't restrained by such things as proper behavior for a kajira. So he gets offers of various sorts from time to time, and occasionally a lady will continue to offer even though Master has already politely declined. Having a crush or infatuation wouldn't be accurate descriptions. Master's used the phrase 'all over me at work' a time or three though. Shayla's not been allowed to meet the two he's mentioned since she's been with him. Come to think of it, she's not even asked. Even were she have been allowed such a thing, it really wouldn't have been good to the lady in question.

What he has done is have lunch with them, in a neutral place, both driving to the location. He'll call it dragon-slaying; politely, firmly, clearly letting the lady know that he's Not The Man for her. Master's not given shayla much in the way of details as to what he says, how the meeting goes, but there's little doubt that he's tactful and considerate about the whole thing.

Shayla mentioned today's meeting to a friend of hers, and Karen's first words were, 'how could you let him do that?' The irony of the question made shayla laugh, the idea of a kajira 'letting' her Master do anything. Karen doesn't know the reality of the relationship between shayla and her Owner, so shayla simply told her that 'i know where i stand with him, i'm not worried' Which is entirely true, as far as the statement goes.

She's had a similar conversation with another friend of her Master's. How is it that shayla's comfortable with this? It's pretty simple to shayla, though. So long as she is pleasing to him, she's not got much to be concerned for. Master still wants to own her, and his hold on her, the level of discipline she's subject to, is increasing. What would she have to worry about?

Though she does empathize with the ladies Master has these discussions with. Sticking yourself out on a limb, only to have the reach come to nothing, isn't ever easy.
