A Kajira's Tail

Life As A Gorean Slave Girl

Location: Houston, Texas, United States

Saturday, April 22, 2006


Shayla was at work today, and came across a lady, her mother, and her 1-year old daughter. It was the girl's 1st birthday. And as it was close to noon, and they were out running errands, they'd stopped at a near-by fast food restaurant for a bite to eat. As shayla was talking to them, the mother pulled a cheeseburger from their bags, tore off part of it, and gave it to the baby, who started in. A fast-food cheeseburger. To a 1-year old baby. Shayla had a hard time keeping from getting nauseous.

With our diet, even miranda's daughter can't eat the meals that are served at school, they're so loaded with sodium, sugar, and fats. And both miranda and shayla can't eat much in the way of fried foods, sweets, that sort of thing. Not only does Master not want us eating like that, we simply can't. It would simply make us ill. Shayla tried an onion ring the other night while we were out. And felt bloated all the next day.

We eat a lot of lean meats, fresh or steamed vegetables, whether we eat at home or out. Starches (such as potatoes, rice, noodles), are kept to once or twice a day. Fruits are limited to one serving a day. No processed foods, no processed sugars. Any breads that are consumed in the house, shayla makes, substituting honey for any sugar called for in the recipes. If it comes out of a box it's pretty certain that you won't find it in our kitchen. Candy and sweets are strictly limited to once in a great while. Ice cream's unheard of. Chocolate? Not on your life.

Seems rather bland to someone unfamiliar with the idea. Even to shayla, at first, it seemed boring. Though the difference is much more evident over time. There's still a great deal of variety available to us. Soups, stir-frys, grilled meats and vegetables; various types of salads. And the interesting thing is that foods now taste better to us than they did before. It's amazing how a person can regain their taste of things after cutting out the extra salt, fat, and sugars that are in most diets.

Since she's worked and exercised for such a long time in this area, many people know her by sight, if not name. Over the past year they've watched her slim down, gain muscle tone, lose a great deal of the excess skin from her weight loss. It's rare in a day that at least one person doesn't comment on seeing her 'working out'. The discussion inevitably leads to shayla's diet, and how she's managed to do it. They're always surprised by her diet, and how simple it actually is.

From what she's understood, she's even managed to inspire one or two women to modify their diets, get out and exercise more. Though, shayla has to bite her tongue when some women say, 'i want whatever's motivating you like that'. She just strokes Master's collar, and tells her that she has to keep at it, keep focused on what's important.
