A Kajira's Tail

Life As A Gorean Slave Girl

Location: Houston, Texas, United States

Thursday, June 01, 2006


There's only been mention of miranda's daughter once or twice. Moesha's 8, an exact duplicate of miranda in look and demeanor. Clearly a budding kajira to anyone that knows what to look for. Shortly after they'd joined the house Master dubbed her 2.5. Shayla's #1, miranda's #2, and moesha, since she's not full grown, is 2.5. She's the image of her mother, in personality as well as looks. And has melded into the family and the dynamic here in Master's home so seamlessly it's as if she was born to it.

It's still been an adjustment for her. Master expects miranda and shayla to give our best in things, and we're regularly challenged in our service to him. Moesha's no different in being challenged. She's bright, learns readily, yet hadn't learned how to really focus on things until she got here. It's something she's still learning how to do. But that's to be expected with someone her age.

In the meantime she's a typical kid, liking to watch tv too much, plays in the yard with the sprinkler, loves burnt (yes, burnt, to the point of blackened) grilled-cheese sandwiches, & volunteers to help shayla out in the kitchen. She's developed a fascination for baking breads, & is routinely right at shayla's elbow (if not closer) when something's going on in the kitchen. Often she'll help with whatever's taking place in the house.

This is the most stable, healthiest home she's ever been in, and is positively thriving in it. Shortly after she arrived she began calling Master 'Daddy', and it's stuck. We all love hearing her call him that. This afternoon she and shayla were outside, playing ball and then dousing each other with the sprinkler, then she volunteered to wash the car while shayla took care of a few things in the house. We've been home-schooling her for a month now, and in that time she's learned more than in the same period that she did while school was in session. Master plans what needs to be done, and shayla puts moesha through her studies at least 2 1/2 hours a day, though often more.

She's like another daughter to Master and shayla. And is having the time of her life with her 2 mommies & daddy. Master's more than once spoken of the positive aspects of extended families, and this is certainly a good case. Two adults working out of the house, the third taking care of the home front and child(ren). Stable, tight-knit.


Wednesday, May 31, 2006


No, not the USPS. Chain mail.

The first thing that Master did while we were at Scarborough was head to one of the shops, one that sold hand-made chain mail. We've often seen girls at Faires in varying styles of chain mail bikinis & so forth. Master's planned on getting one for miranda to wear for some time. After some looking and discussion they decided on an outfit. Master got a headpiece, earrings, and hand flowers to match it. The whole thing together is beyond words. Miranda spent some time that evening lining the bottom with cloth. The top she left unlined, and had a pair of stickers to place on her nipples while she wore it to make the whole thing just this side of legal. At this stage, shayla's not got a photo to post, you'll have to take her word that the whole ensemble is just gorgeous, & miranda looks astounding in it.

We got to the faire the next morning, & spent some time at the truck changing into our outfits. Miranda & shayla normally turn heads when we're out, and the previous day had been no exception. Men looking more than twice at us (or just one really long look), the occasional person wanting to have their photos taken with us. But when we went through the gates this time it was a little different. Shayla still drew as many looks as she always does, but the comments that miranda drew ranged from flattering to simply hilarious.

Many of the ladies that go to these faires dress up in traditional middle-age costume. Tight corsets, long sleeves, headpieces, skirts that reach the ground, and who knows how many layers of cloth between the skin & hot sun. All providing insulation more suitable to temperatures in the 40's than the 90's that we saw this weekend. One woman who was dressed that way saw us and waved to miranda, calling, 'Now that's the outfit i should have worn today!' No doubt.

And the mail comments. 'The mail lady, i didn't know you were working today!', Look, it's the mail lady!', and our personal favorite, 'The chick is in the mail!!' Laughable.

Even a couple of the performers commented on it. We'd gone to one show the previous day, and happened to walk by that stage while that same show was going on. The player actually stopped in the middle of his show to shout at miranda, complimenting her on the mail.

She's going to be dancing in that outfit where she works. It'll be interesting to see what the reactions are. It's likely the most unique outfit that's ever been on that stage.


Scarborough Faire

Shayla's mentioned once or twice about Master's liking of rennaisance faires. He's not SCA or anything like that, simply enjoys the history, the costumes, the chance to meet so many people. Of course, he also enjoys showing us off & the scenery (of the various sizes of bodices). So while Master & miranda were at work on Saturday, shayla saw to it that the packing & preparation of food was taken care of. There're distinct advantages to having an adult at home all the time. That person's able to take care of the home & such while the others are bringing in the $$$'s. And one person gets worn out trying to do
both. This case was no different. By the time they'd gotten off work & home (at 3:45 a.m.), things were packed & ready to load into the truck. We stopped at the store for a couple more things & were on the road by 5:30.

Scarborough Faire is in Waxahatchie, about 3 or 4 hours from Houston (depending on route & how much one breaks the speed limit). Master's been there a few times but this was a first for miranda & shayla. Though, most faires are very similar. But they're all fun.

When we got there shayla'd had all of perhaps 2 hours of sleep in the previous 24; Master and miranda hadn't had any more. And trying to sleep on the way up in the truck didn't work at all for shayla. Just wasn't able to get comfortable enough. So she did the next best thing, and dozed as much as she could.

One of the fun things about Faire for shayla is the amount of people watching. A rennaisance faire is the perfect chance for people to express themselves. There are few limits to the creativity that people put into their outfits and demeanor. Miranda & shayla, as has become the norm, drew more than our share of looks & attention, but our wear was certainly not the most elaborate. As with the mail entry, shayla's not got any photos available. But the costumes worn ranged from the 'standard' midieval clothing to fauns, faeries, a centaur, leather armor of various colors and types. Chain mail such as what miranda wore the 2nd day, numerous Scots (with kilts, worn the traditional manner), even a nun (so the wearer was a man, so what?).

Of course, not going on much sleep as we were, by the time we left to go to the hotel, we were all worn out, too tired to even to go eat. We wound up ordering pizza instead. Pizza, it'd been a long time since shayla's had pizza. It was close to midnight before we all ate, showered, and got to bed. The next day was much like the first, though there were more looks directed to miranda, due to the chain mail that we'd gotten for her the day before.

The second day was actually beter than the first (no doubt because we were better-rested). One of the members of the jousting had noted miranda the day before, so she had a personal invite to watch the jousting. A while later we three girls took our turn at the archery. Shayla's aim is every bit as bad as her handwriting and houseplant care, so it was a little stunnig when she actually hit the target. Not a bull's-eye, but well within the outer border (there will be no mention of the target being no more than 25 feet away).

But by far the best part was one of the shows that we went to in the late afternoon. Iris & Rose have known Master for years, and they always appreciate having him in their audience. This time was no different. They've just recently put out a new CD & they had sold out, only to have one buyer give it back to them. So they auctioned it off at the last show of the Faire. Master, who'd already bought one CD, kept upping the bidding until it hit $70. And then after paying the money he gave the CD back for them to re-sell. The 2nd time it went for $65, bought by the man that'd just gotten out-bid by Master. Everybody in the audience loved it, and Iris & Rose were stunned. It set the mood for the remainder of the show. Normally they'll invite the audience to contribute four or five jokes or limericks to the show, but this time it developed into an impromptu competition, lasting a good 45 minutes past when the show was supposed to have stopped.

Another night in the hotel, & we headed hoje the next day. Master took us on some of the side highways on the way home. Beautiful scenery, even a hill or two. We'd been in miranda's old home territory so she was able to tell us a little about much of what we drove past. It rained on the way home. One of those downpours that start slow & end after pummelling everything with huge, fat drops. Shayla's not stopped loving the rain yet.
