Master's called himself once or twice a 'free-range' geek. He's got a DJ job at a local night club; he repairs computers; and he also works for a commercial roofing company. And though he's a supervisor, he's one of the good ones. Getting right into the thick of the job along with everyone else. A few months ago one of their clients needed some light repair work done on their roof. It was a one-person, one-day job. Master handled it himself, & shocked shayla by offering to let her come and assist.Shayla, who's notoriously afraid of heights, & doesn't know a thing about roofs apart from the fact that they keep the weather out of a building. Sure, why not? It was a simple job that day, power-washing in preparation for what repairs needed to be done (if memory serves correctly). Dirt & assorted debris, including seeds, blown by the wind settle onto a roof, & over time it collects & makes for some interesting plant growth. And root systems don't care if they're delving into the ground or the local car dealership's roof. But the ground's more able to handle it than the roof is.The site wasn't very far from home, and when we arrived Master just got right to work. Master's one of these men that seem almost indolent when there's no task to be done. Until there is work that needs done, and then it's just a matter of keeping up with him, because otherwise you'll be left wondering just what happened. So by the time shayla'd gotten up the courage to get up that ladder (did shayla mention that she's afraid of heights?), Master'd already scurried up, & was starting in. Shayla's job was simple, just shove the water towards the drains in the roof. Though after four hours of being on a black roof on a hot day it started to get tedious.But it was still a lot of fun, sweat & dirt notwithstanding. And her back & arms really got a workout. Master even commented that he'd enjoyed it. Shayla's not certain when/if it'll be happening again, but she'll not pass up the opprotunity to get up on a roof again with him.shayla
On Being Bi-Sexual
Going back and looking at the entry, 'Bi-Sexuality', shayla can see how she's changed since just a few short months ago. Sometimes the changes in her aren't easy for her to see. Master's easily noted them, but he's not seemed to point them out to shayla much.It seems as though she's a little more assertive with what she's wanting. More able to express her desires. Which is proven to be a challenge, as the change induced by her owner was by no means easy. For weeks there was a period where she was reluctant to admit that she was wanting something, let alone express it. In some ways she's re-learning what she is, what's allowed, where the boundaries of his will are.The direction that Master'd steered her on is picking up momentum, though. Shayla's more actively aware of her attraction towards other women, more able to say, 'i'm attracted to her, i'd enjoy being with her.' She's developing her own personal preferences in women. Though it's still interesting. Now she notes women every bit as much as she does men. Circumstances have changed, and shayla is currently staying at home. So shayla's opprotunities to meet other women has decreased dramatically. Whereas miranda's dancing puts her in contact with any number of other bi-sexual women.
One interesting thing is the difference in having sex with a woman vs. a man. Not just the obvious, either. The tone of the act is different. It seems as though there's more mutual understanding. There are things that shayla just loves that only happen when she's with miranda. The taste of her, the emotional exchange that takes place. There's a certain thrill in causing miranda to demand that shayla not stop what she's doing. Which also always comes as a slight surprise to shayla, as miranda's more sexually accomplished than she is.
As for what's this done in her relationship with her Master and sister, it's helped the bond between the three of us. As difficult and confusing as it was for shayla, her Master knew how things would proceed. Anymore she's as eager to be with her sister as she is her Owner. If she's with one, she's missing being with the other. There's no greater joy for her than to be with both of them. Not just sexually, but even the most mundane things such as watching a movie or going to the store.Shayla'd never heard of morphing a person's sexuality before this. How much of it was bringing out her natural tendencies, and how much was actual changing her, she'll never know. But it's added to her life in way's she'd not anticipated.shayla