One of Master's hobbies is playing poker. No, not for money. Only rarely does he play for money. The majority of the time, he plays in free tournaments. No buy-in, just show up, sign in, & you're handed your chips and pointed to a table. Though for the people that come in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd, there is some money to be won. If shayla's memory serves correctly, it's not a great amount. The players just play for the fun of it. And Master practices by playing on-line. While shayla's been in her place at his feet, he's given her a running commentary of how Texas Hold-'em works, strategy, rules, etc.
Master routinely goes to these tournaments with a friend of his or a brother. So it wasn't at all expected the other night when he offered to allow shayla to come with him that evening. Shayla's played poker before; years before. For pennies or beans back when she was 11 or 12 with her family. Her, with zero head for strategy, in something like this? Why not? So this one got herself together & dressed as Master suggested.
He'd picked out a shawl for shayla some weeks ago. White yarn, loosely crocheted, almost mesh. Simple but gorgeous, the type with a broad slit for the head, so it can be worn over the shoulders. After she'd found a bra to wear underneath it he's had her wear it out a time or three. No shirt, just the bra & shawl, and a pair of shorts. The slit in the shawl's wide enough that shayla wears it off one shoulder. Of course, the shawl's not got sleeves, so shayla's got to be a bit careful when she's raising her arms. The first time she wore it out she was trembling, she was so nervous. Perversely enough, now she enj9ys it.
There was some serious looking to find where that night's tournament was held, so by the time we actually got there it was a half-hour past the starting time, & too late to enter. After chatting with a friend of his for a few minutes, Master led shayla out of the bar and back to the truck. For one of the first times in years shayla could actually feel the men looking at her as she walked past. Once before, such a thing scared shayla to death. Now it's a feeling similar to, but not quite, pride. Master chuckled a little when we were out in the parking lot, "Those weren't chips you heard clicking, girlie, those were the men's eyes." Who'd have guessed that'd be happening again? A year ago shayla would never have imagined it possible.
After another stop (which is a whole different entry in itself), we returned to the bar. Shayla gave the needed information & was directed to a table. What an experience. She didn't know a soul at the table, hadn't played in years, and never in such a setting. But she made sure not to let on how uncertain she was. Master ordered dinner for her as she was playing, and she worked on her food when she could. The after-dinner mint she threw in along with her bet during one hand, & her table-mates dubbed it the 'mint hand'. Everyone was very welcoming, patient, & as helpful as they could be without breaking the rules. Master'd flooded her with helpful advice on the way there earlier that evening, & she'd had time during the interim to digest it. So she paid attention to the hands, what was happening with the cards, folded a lot, & tried to make those chips last as long as she possibly could.
Somehow things began to make sense & start to come together. And shayla even managed to bet on a couple of her more good hands, though each time another player's just beat hers. She's never had much mastery of strategy, and could tell occasionally that if she had more experience she'd have managed a hand or two better than what she had. And might have even won a few. So it was more than a bit surprising when she managed to out-last 4 of the players at her table. Even more so when she came in 19th out of (if memory serves correctly) 40 players. Master lasted longer, of course. The odd thing is we both were beaten out the same way. A pair of queens, beaten by one of kings. Weird.
It was fun, it was a learning experience, it was *lots* of fun (at the risk of repeating one's self). Shayla really hopes he allows her to go with him again. In the meantime she'll be practicing (as time allows) on his poker program here at home.