A Kajira's Tail

Life As A Gorean Slave Girl

Location: Houston, Texas, United States

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Uh Oh

Shayla's mentioned before about how often people will ask miranda or her about the collars; where they came from, how unique they are, etc. Last night brought on a more interesting question, though.

Darren, one of the gentlemen that runs the poker tournaments, was talking to shayla about her collar (he's unaware of the actual significance of it).

D - 'Where'd you get the choker?'

s - 'Oh, it was ordered on-line'

D - 'What about the pendant, did you buy that somewhere?'

This was asked as Darren was looking at the pendant, eyeing the 's' on the front, then flipping it over to see the 'k' on the back before letting it fall.

s - 'No, it was special ordered from a jeweler in Houston, i'm afraid i can't recall the name off-hand'

That was the truth, just a very very convenient one.

D - 'Was the price reasonable? Are they something just between you and miranda, or do other people wear them? The reason I'm askin' is, I'd like to have one of those, I'd like to know how you got them.''

By now shayla's firmly placed her tongue in cheek, and falls back on some safe answers...

s - 'yes, the price was reasonable. And it's not something just between miranda and i, lots of people wear these. You can talk to Marcus if you want to find out more, he's got more details. He's the one that got them for both of us.'

More details, yes. And far more creativity in tactfully answering that type of question. At that point shayla politely nudged the subject onto safer ground. The image of this Big Black Man, more than twice Master's size, wearing a collar, was way too much. It was definitely time to let the subject lie. Master far prefers to deal with those types of questions himself anyhow. And shayla's happy to have it that way, even though it's not her choice. It'll be interesting to find out what Master'd tell Darren, if he happens to ask. Shayla's certain the topic will come up eventually.



Blogger Jolynn said...

That's kind of funny. I don't picture the man you describe wearing that.

2:36 PM  
Blogger shayla said...

Oh, the whole thing was laughable. Shayla was having trouble keeping a straight face during that little exchange.


4:58 PM  

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