A Kajira's Tail

Life As A Gorean Slave Girl

Location: Houston, Texas, United States

Friday, May 19, 2006

The Times

Shayla came across
this article in the London Times while taking a peek at a message board she reads occasionally.

'Sex slavery' Shayla can understand how people who don't know any better could jump to that conclusion. At the same time, though, why is it that it happens so often? Dominance and surrender does not equal sex, & vice versa. One thing stands out to shayla.

"Lee Thompson, 31, lives at the address with the Essex teenager, and describes himself as a master who trains slaves. He has been banned from one shop in the town for turning up with a girl on a leash."

Shayla would not have any problem with it at all if he asked her opinion about it, but Master wouldn't allow shayla or miranda kneel at his feet in a restaurant, either. No doubt simply because it wouldn't be appropriate. We're Gorean, but we still live in this world. It doesn't mean that you toss your brain and good sense out the window once you take possession of a girl, or accept a man's collar. Actually, you've got to think more.

The three of us go out regularly. And we do not compromise what we are, or the dynamics of our relationship with each other when we're out of the home. We do, however act in a manner appropriate to where we are, one that still leaves no doubt as to who's in charge. Master still is the final decision-maker in things. However, we remain sensitive to the people around us. If someone asks miranda or shayla a question which we'd defer to Master, we simply tell the person that they'd have to ask him. Master gives his commands to us as he always does, as simply phrased requests. Being Gorean doesn't mean shoving our ways into other people's faces. Most of the time when we go out, it's obvious to the people around us who's in charge.

It brings to mind one day two months ago, when we all went to a nearby crawfish festival (only in the south would you find such a thing). Miranda and shayla always wear our collars, but that's the only "physical" sign of our status in relation to him. Of course, the fact that Master'd had us wear the same things, identical tops, short denim shorts, & heels, also was a give-away. Come to think of it, we also got stopped four separate occasions so that people could get photos with us. The rest is simply body language and manner. While we were there, one lady stopped Master and shayla to ask them some questions. She'd noted the dynamics between us, and surprisingly enough had the initiative to ask. This led to a conversation that lasted about 45 minutes. Master was tactful, but at the same time didn't hedge or beat around the bush. She and her friend were fascinated, enough so that shayla gave them the link to this blog.

Shayla's not certain if the women ever actually have stopped and peeked at this site. But they left the conversation informed, a little more educated than when they first approached. And like so many other times, we were able to show others that there can be more to servitude than what always seems to be expected.

And as fun as it might have been (as shayla's acquired a touch of exhibitionism from miranda), Master didn't have to command us to his feet to make any kind of point.



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