The Rennaisance Faire is coming up in two weeks. Master has participated in TRF for a few years, but last year was the first time that shayla was able to actually witness it. At that time, she'd only been with her Owner for a few weeks. Just barely getting her feet wet in her service to him. He allowed her to come with her one day as he worked. Shayla spent hours walking around the grounds, people-watching, browsing through the shops, observing the various performances that took place. She met one or two people that Master knew, but most of the time was spent by herself, looking around on her own.
This year will be completely different. Shayla has changed tremendously in the past year. Not only physically, but her personality has changed. She's more confident, more sexual, more comfortable in her own skin. There's a long way to go, but she is no longer the woman that walked into Master's home. So Master's plans for her are very different this time. And the addition of alyssa to the house makes things more interesting.
Alyssa and shayla have talked occasionally about what to wear, but Master wants us to wait. So for now we're not even certain what we'll be wearing (should she say not wearing?). Nor do we know just what Master will require of us during the Faire. Shayla doesn't even have the courage to ask him, and she believes that alyssa feels the same way. Master's talked about a few things he'd like to take place, but not much other than that.
For shayla, it's a little disconcerting. There's little that puts her off-balance like not knowing what will happen. It's one of the things that she has yet to completely rid herself of. But she knows that Master won't put her in harm's way. And she's come to trust him more than any person she's ever known. So she waits, continues to serve him to the best of her ability, and looks forward to when faire starts. A little nervous, but looking forward to it.