A Kajira's Tail

Life As A Gorean Slave Girl

Location: Houston, Texas, United States

Thursday, August 11, 2005


The place where shayla works is very near her Master's home. So close that she passes it by when she is out on her walks. So most of the public who see her at work also see her during her walks and bike rides. It's a close-knit neighborhood in some ways, the people are open and sincerely friendly. And the majority of them have known shayla since she first began work there.

As a result, the changes that she has been going through have been noted by a great number of people, not just her Master. From what shayla understands, Master had not anticipated shayla to develop as she has regarding the weight loss. And neither Master or shayla see any resemblance between the woman that arrived here and the woman that's here now.

But one interesting thing for shayla is the responses that she's received from the customers/neighbors that she sees every day. She is continually receiving compliments from them; comments about how they see her out every morning with the weights. Today she even was adviced by one lady to 'stop losing weight, we'll not be able to see you if you keep getting smaller.' Some women ask her how she managed to lose so much weight, or what she's doing to shape up so well. It's doubtful that shayla would ever be able to tell them the real reason. That so much of it's the motivation of her Owner's smile when he sees how she has been doing. Or how much less stress she's under in being the property of such a man as her Master is.

And any number of them seem to be encouraged in their own efforts to get or keep in shape. That's something that shayla would never have anticipated, this being an example to others in weight loss. Or anything else for that matter.

Convenient side effects, though. The other night shayla was putting something on her Master's desk, and her butt was well within arm's reach of him. He reached over and started stroking it. Shayla's almost always a little cold now, and she chuckled and said, 'it's probably cold.' Master's response, 'no, actually, I was thinking it was pretty hot.' Master's known any number of women far more beautiful than shayla. And for him to say that, about something that shayla's been trying to hide for years, was far more meaningful than any number of compliments from others.

Almost there.
