A Kajira's Tail

Life As A Gorean Slave Girl

Location: Houston, Texas, United States

Sunday, September 04, 2005


Last night Master had shayla run to the store for a couple things. Though alyssa wanted to go with shayla she preferred to stay at home with Master at his feet. Shayla can't blame her, really. Shayla would prefer to be at Master's feet than anywhere else, too.

The whole evening had been very good. Alyssa and shayla get better every day with working as a team, both of us adjusting to being owned by the same man, and the bond between the three of us has been deepening steadily. So it was somewhat of a shock to shayla when she moved past a neighbor's house and happened to over-hear a conversation the woman sitting on the steps was having on the phone. The lady was bragging to her friend about how she'd stolen her boyfriend from another woman. She went on to talk about how 'he's mine now', and 'she (the first girl) didn't deserve to keep him' It was appalling.

This is something that shayla's noted more and more often the longer she's owned by her Master. She's noticing that so many couples are in these power plays, or the women attempt to have exclusive say over what their partner does or feels. This one's supervisor at work spoke of the power plays between herself and her husband as if they were ordinary, healthy things. As if they were part and parcel to a marriage. She sees couples argue, vie for authority and say in matters, all the time increasing their stress level, the strain on themselves and in the relationship.

The longer shayla serves Master, the less able she is to understand a 'normal' relationship. The equality is nice, but it makes for undertones of competitiveness, continual debate of who has say over what. Even if shayla had the option, she knows that she'd never enter into a relationship of 'equals' again.



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