A Kajira's Tail

Life As A Gorean Slave Girl

Location: Houston, Texas, United States

Thursday, August 04, 2005


Something that shayla occasionally misses (some times more often than others) is some of the stronger-tasting foods such as ice creams or chocolate. Of course, the diet that shayla is allowed doesn't include those types of things. It's pretty simple, just takes a bit of self-discipline to change those old eating habits. No processed sugars, limited fruits and starches. Yes, she still gets all the nutrients she requires, and how much shayla eats isn't limited (within reason). So long as it's low in fats and sugars.

At first it seemed rather bland, but her tastes have been changing in the past few months. What used to be almost tasteless now is very flavorful to her. And the stronger flavors are too much for her. She made the mistake of having a regular soda the other day. And she couldn't finish it all in one setting, it was far too sweet & strong for her, actually made shayla a little nauseous.

A good example of this took place a couple weeks ago. Shayla had a baked potato, one of the first she's had in months. She didn't douse it with a bunch of stuff, just salt, pepper, and a little low-fat margerine. The odd thing is it tasted sweet. Not all that odd, when you really think about it. Most of us know that starches convert to sugar upon digestion, starting in the mouth. This is why Master's limited shayla's starch intake, it just changes to sugar when it hits her system.

But it's really made shayla think the past few weeks. Here our modern diet is saturated with strong flavors. Lots of highly processed foods loaded with sugar & salt. And a simpler diet, shayla finds that she doesn't often crave the stronger types of foods.

Only during certain times, & then it seems that she has an almost irresistable urge for chocolate. The other night was one of them. And while she wasn't serious, she did let Master know what she was tempted for. A big bowl of vanilla ice cream, with hot fudge & whipped cream & about 6 maraschino cherries. Master's response, "You don't even want to know how badly I'd beat your ass if you tried, girlie" He's right. She doesn't even want to go there.



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