A Kajira's Tail

Life As A Gorean Slave Girl

Location: Houston, Texas, United States

Monday, June 06, 2005


Since the first few conversations Master and shayla have had, she's known that Master has planned on having more than one girl. He's not been in any great hurry, though. It's been a very interesting 7 months for both Master and shayla. Though our relationship has developed and become much deeper, committed, and closer than either of us had ever dreamed. He's still wanted a second girl. to share in the housework, be company and friend to shayla, help in serving his wishes.

He's spoken to a number of girls, from various places. But karen's visit settled it in his head, and he collared her to him this week. She's the original southern girl, in many ways extremely similar to shayla when she first got to Master's. Uncertain of herself, how to comport herself, very new to it all. As with shayla, this is her first Master. So far he's been very easy with her. She's been learning, though. Yesterday she went back to her old home to wrap up a few things, and will be back at the end of the week. Then, Master says, he'll come down on her 'like a sack of hammers', much like he did with shayla when she first arrived.

Already it's been an adjustment for shayla. She finds herself wondering how she'll handle this in the long run, how well she and karen will get along, how will we be with each other and Master? So far it's been both harder and easier than what shayla would have anticipated. Especially at first, she was worried about how karen's being here would affect Master's feelings for and managing of shayla. She'd not go so far as to say jealous, simply uncertain of her standing with her Owner with this new addition in the house. But he handled that concern with his usual practical manner. No, he didn't punish her, as she'd done nothing wrong. Simply let her know in no uncertain terms that she's got absolutely nothing to worry about.

This adapting to a second girl in the house has been both easy and difficult. For once shayla's able to not have to do much housework when she is done at her job. There's someone to talk to when Master's not around. But then there's the inevitable...she'll not say clash...adjustment, of another woman's way of doing things, laundry, dishes, that sort of thing. Though karen's been making the effort to do things as they've normally been done here. Master has been letting us work out things on our own. Who does what when & so forth. Shayla believes that so long as we keep him un-involved in how we work around and with each other, and there's no interference in our service to him or maintaining the house, he's happy. And already we're learning to work with each other. Though shayla'll not consider how he'd react were we to bring a disagreement to him. We've already had that talk, karen & shayla, both of us promising the other that we'd do everything in our power to avoid that eventuality when the inevitable disagreements occur.

For shayla, there's a surprising feel of identifying with karen in all this. She's just like shayla was when she got here 7 months ago. First Master, very sincere in wanting to serve, only having little to no idea how to go about it. How to react to him, behave, some of the unique things about serving Master. Only shayla didn't have anyone to guide her, help her keep in mind some of Master's peculiarities.

The interesting thing is what having karen around is doing for shayla and her assertiveness. Normally shayla has been a little withdrawn with her Master. That's not saying she's not been transparent, or fully honest. But her sense of humor, playfulness, that sort of thing, she reflexively kept in check until karen came into the house. She's noted a difference in herself since then, bolder, even, and even Master's commented on it. Though he's nixed us on the idea of drizzling lotion on him while we give him a massage. Shayla's not certain what triggered that move; it was either the feeling of cold lotion hitting his skin, or the smiley face shayla put on his ass the other night. We've not had a chance to execute some of our other ideas for him as yet, though. Timing is everything, y'know. *G*



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