A Kajira's Tail

Life As A Gorean Slave Girl

Location: Houston, Texas, United States

Thursday, May 26, 2005


A friend of shayla's contacted her and asked what was up, as there've been no entries the past two weeks. Good question. The short answer is simply the chaos that is shayla's life.

There's been a change in hours at her job, which has been an adjustment. Shayla is very much a creature of habit and the hour change has taken some adaptation. Also, some preparing for a visit by a friend of Master's from Chicago.

Master has known Delia for over 5 years, but the last time they'd seen each other was about 3 years ago when he went up to visit her. Delia & shayla exchanged quite a few e-mails, talking about possible plans for the weekend, our relationships & experiences with Master. While Delia's not kajira she has a general understanding of the lifestyle shayla lives, which made it much easier for shayla, as we were able to relate to each other more thoroughly than what shayla can with most of the women she knows.

Shayla was working when Delia arrived, so by the time her shift was over (which was a very long 8 hours, one can assure you), Master'd helped Delia get settled in the hotel, after having gotten her rental car, then coming back to the house to pick up shayla. After a quick shower and packing job shayla was in the truck. Master'd planned on shayla staying at the hotel with Delia. As it was the weekend, Master was working, so we would have plenty of time to enjoy each other's company.

As is the case any time shayla meets one of Master's friends, she was nervous. Though the exchange of e-mails helped out considerably, and shayla was able to feel at ease with Delia rather quickly. After some time spent talking and..ah..other things (the other things is a whole separate post), Master left us to our own devices, handing shayla some spending money with orders to make it last the weekend and remember her boundaries.

There was little question about what to do when Master left. We got ourselves straightened up, went out to eat, and talked about men. Master in particular. How he is with people, with us as individuals, how his visit to Chicago went, and various interesting details. Afterwards we went shopping. Victoria's Secret. Shayla's gotten smaller everywhere the past few months, up to & including her breasts, so she got measured properly. A deflating (pun intended) experience, to say the least. While shayla was getting fitted Delia was snooping, & found an adorable light-blue number for her. Shayla'd never have considered light blue as being a color that'd look good on her but this one sure did. From there we went & found some earrings, some nail polish that looked good on Delia (baboon-ass red, she called it), a few candles. By then it was after 9 & we went back to the motel to get things organized & take a nap before Master arrived.

Close to an hour before he was expected we woke and got ourselves together. It was both fun and nerve-wracking, putting that blue number on, but it turned out ok Alright, better than ok. Delia, after we looked at ourselves side-by-side in the mirror, promptly titled us 'Athena and the French Tart' When Master walked into the room Delia was decked out in her black and red corset, right by shayla, kneeling with her head to the floor in the position Master wants from shayla when he enters the room. Shayla couldn't help but laugh at the irony of it, as Delia is very much a free woman. Master got a chuckle out of it before ordering shayla to her feet and inspecting her. Though it wasn't long before she was ordered to remove it. A few hours later we got some sleep, Delia and shayla waking up and having a meal & swim while we let Master sleep. When he woke in the afternoon we all had a late lunch before Master had to run some errands.

We spent a lot of time talking, Master and delia occasionally speaking about things that had happened years ago while shayla listened. Then back to the motel for a while before Master needed to get ready for work. The remainder of the weekend was much the same, a lot of talking, spending too much money & eating too much food. Master got less sleep than he normally gets on the weekends. Somehow Delia managed to wrangle Master's ok for shayla to have a Godiva truffle while we were shopping that first night. Shayla doubts that a Godiva chocolate has ever lasted so long in a woman's hand as that one did. It cost her an extra 15 minutes of walking but it was worth it.

Sunday afternoon Master and shayla came home for a while to give Delia time to take a nap. The house was an atrocity of Grade A proportions, since shayla'd not been able to care for it as she usually does for a few days. So while Master took care of a few things away from the house shayla busted her butt & got the place in slightly-more-than-decent shape by the time he got back. Delia came over for a few hours, having supper and ending an e-mail or three on Master's computer before going back to the hotel. That night Master and shayla slept at home. She needed to be at work early the next morning, so wasn't able to see Delia off as she'd have liked. It had to have been one of the best weekends shayla's ever had.

The visits aren't over, either. Master and shayla are heading out of town next week for two days, then we're expecting a visitor ourselves for a few days before we head out of town for another 2-day road trip.

Such is the pace of life at times.



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