A Kajira's Tail

Life As A Gorean Slave Girl

Location: Houston, Texas, United States

Sunday, April 24, 2005


The other night gave shayla a bit of a shock. Master'd called her on his way home from work, telling her to prepare a shower for him as he was 5 minutes away and 'dirty as a frenchman.' Shayla'd spent the day at home, cleaning and dealing with a few things that needed to be taken care of. As he'd said, Master came into the door a couple minutes later, peeling dirty clothes off as he went. Shayla set them aside for a quick moment to see if he wished anything else of her before she put them into the laundry. He was in a hurry, as he had a meeting with a friend and was running close on time. Yet right in the middle of his rush and giving her instructions, he stopped, took a second look at her, and commented, 'you look nice, by the way'

Master's not much for compliments. He's not very interested in shayla complimenting him, as he prefers her to show him how or what she feels. And he doesn't give shayla a great deal of them. She's not saying he doesn't, only that it doesn't happen very often. So that little statement, coming right in the middle of his hurry to get clean and back out the door, stopped her cold for an instant. She could barely respond to his words (if she recalls correctly she even blushed some) before he got into the shower.

Later that evening, as he was leaving the house once more (still in a hurry, it'd been a chaotic day), shayla handed him something he'd asked for on his way out the door. As she was in the doorway he pursed his lips for a kiss from her, which she gave him. Seconds later he was headed to the truck, his slut closing the door and leaning back against it for a couple minutes to gather her scattered brain and settle herself.

Kissing is a very common thing for many people but for shayla it's taken on new meaning. When she first arrived, Master didn't kiss her, nor did he allow her to kiss him on the lips. The rest of the body was fine, but she wasn't allowed to kiss his lips. For some reason she'll never fully understand shayla's also avoided kissing his face (likely to steer clear of temptation, as Master's got very nice lips). It wasn't until she'd been here for a little over three months that Master kissed her. And while since then it's happened with more frequency, shayla has still rarely initiated it, and then only after begging consent. Perhaps it's over-caution on her part, she doesn't know. But a kiss from him, no matter how brief, seems to do more to her than if he'd used her for an hour or more.

Each time some little thing like this happens shayla always feels even more strongly that she'd do anything for him. Shayla's slavery is a deep one, it seems to her as being deeper than the norm in Gorean slaveries. So these seemingly little things have come to have an effect on her similar to a switching. Giving her an extra push, another tool to use to strive to please him better, be more for him.



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