A Kajira's Tail

Life As A Gorean Slave Girl

Location: Houston, Texas, United States

Friday, July 29, 2005


The weight'd been coming off really well for months. Slowly, steadily, at a healthy rate. Wonderful. Until about 3 months ago. Now shayla's been hovering in the same 4-pound range the whole time. So she reviewed her eating habits, made a couple adjustments, worked harder on her exercises. And it seemed to make a difference for a little, then stopped once again.

Frustrating, to say the least. Admittedly, shayla's been too focused on that little number on the scale when she stands on it. It's hard to avoid doing so. In the meantime, her clothes are still getting a bit looser, though not at the rate they had been. And she keeps in mind what Master's said many times. Muscle weighs more than fat. Which is something that shayla's been gaining. All those exercises are still doing something, & she tries to keep the intensity up when she's doing them.

Though it's awfully hard to keep from focusing on that little number. Though, to be honest, what she's done so far is no small acheivement. In 14 months shayla's lost 75 pounds, and is a mere 14 away from 120, which is what she weighed at 17. Not many people who diet can say that. Not many 34 year old women come this close to what they weighed at 17. And, to shayla, most importantly, Master's still pleased with her progress. The other day was a good example; she was going out to run an errand and Master called her to him, then gave a tug at the waistband of her shorts, which have been getting a bit looser. Size 7's, getting loose, who'd have imagined. Months ago Master'd gotten a shirt/short outfit for shayla. While the halter-top fits fine, the shorts were far too tight. As he toyed with the waistband, easily getting 4 fingers into it with room to move them around, he commented that shayla would be able to slip into those shorts really soon.

Unbelieveable, but there it is. She can deal with a plateau. A tweak here & there, perhaps Master re-evaluating her exercise routine, & she'll get kick-started again.



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