A Kajira's Tail

Life As A Gorean Slave Girl

Location: Houston, Texas, United States

Saturday, August 06, 2005


Once in a while shayla gets blogger's block. She has had one of those episodes these past couple days. In these cases she browses around, snooping for blog-fodder. And came across a short list on
sarina's site. Sarina only came up with five. She must be awfully easy to get along with. So here are shayla's idiosyncracies...

1. She has Rule #1: Never, ever go where you're not wanted. This applies to everyone, friends, family, co-workers, total strangers, you name it. If there's implied consent or a clear invitation, fine, shayla'll be happy to jump right in. But if there's clear indication that shayla's not welcome somewhere, nothing, not even a herd of wild horses, can drag her there.
The only exception to this is Master. She'd obey if he ordered her to. But there'd still be an instant when something like, 'wait, i can't, i'm not wanted there' would flash through her head.

2. She always seems to approach situations in a different manner than the norm. This has often caused people to jump in and 'help' or 'correct' shayla in what she's doing, thinking that she doesn't have a clear understanding of what's taking place. Nothing could be further from the truth. She knows just how she's going to approach things, and how she anticipates accomplishing something.

3. She's anal-retentive about bed-covers. Sheets & blanket have to be straight, untucked, aligned with each other, and unwrinkled. Her sister, back when we were kids, would often wait 'til shayla was sound asleep, then sneak out of her bed, go to shayla's & unceremoniously yank off shayla's covers. She'd compleately separate the sheet & blanket, leave them both crumpled at the foot of shayla's bed, and then head back for her own, playing possum while shayla woke and fixed the mess. Shayla never learned about the cause of this until she was in her late 20's.

4. To this day she's got a thing with keeping her foods separate. Meat, vegetables, starches, all need to be kept separate on the plate (this excludes such things as spaghetti & so forth). Master discovered this while being served lunch some weeks ago, and hasn't stopped teasing shayla about it since.

5. She has to sleep with the closet door closed. Yes, she's 34 years old, but she still has a hard time sleeping if the closet door has been left open.



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