A Kajira's Tail

Life As A Gorean Slave Girl

Location: Houston, Texas, United States

Monday, August 15, 2005

New Arrivals

A week ago MamaCat had her litter of kittens. It happened right in the middle of a family emergency of Master's, so the timing couldn't have been better, to shayla's thinking. All this stress on everyone and here in the middle of the night a new group of lives comes into the picture.

5 of them. Yes, shayla knows, they're a bunch of unplanned kittens. But new life is always a bit of a miracle and joy & that's how shayla looks at it. Besides, they're so cute. A black one, two dark gray ones, one orange tabby and one that' lion-colored. And mom, who used to look like she'd swallowed a football is now rail-thin again. Why can't humans lose weight that fast after they have babies?

And Mama's proud of them, shayla can tell. Each time either Master or shayla come into the house the cat comes running to us, meowing (or, trying to, she's purred herself hoarse), then running back to her kits, trying to lead us to them. If either of us stick a hand in the box where they are Mama's right there, purring away & just watching. Silly cat. No photos as yet. Master says they've 'not reached maximum cuteness level.' So as soon as she can she'll be putting some up.

Nothing like having a litter of kittens in the house.



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