A Kajira's Tail

Life As A Gorean Slave Girl

Location: Houston, Texas, United States

Wednesday, March 02, 2005


We all have feelings we can't describe in some situations. A feeling as though something is right or not right. Often it's called a 'sixth sense.' Shayla has never looked into the theory very much, she simply goes by her own experience. There have been a number of times that shayla has been in a situation and felt that it was good. Circumstances would develop from that situation that would always end in an improvement somehow, if not for shayla, then for someone she cared for. The same goes for situations that felt bad. Shayla, any time she began to get an idea that she was around a person or situation that was not positive, would depart the circumstances as soon as possible. Inevitably something would take place that could have been damaging to shayla on some level. And while shayla is at least as intelligent as the next person, she often uses how and what she feels in a situation as much as the cold facts to determine her reaction.

Often shayla will feel something between herself and her Master. It has happened since our first conversation. In the beginning, she did her best to ignore it. Such a profound relationship as what she was entering in needs to be extremely cautiouly entered into, with the girl using every resource she can find to be fully informed about a man before she becomes his. To do otherwise, just because it 'felt right', is utter blindness that can lead to disaster. So for the longest time she simply set that part of herself aside and concentrated only on the concrete facts.

As time goes on and she becomes more settled and 'at home' in her surroundings, she has been becoming more sensitive to her Master. His moods, feelings, and so forth. While this has taken place she has come to feel a tie or bond between us. Perhaps there is an essay on that very subject out there, written by some wiser, more experienced kajira than shayla is. She doesn't know, she's never come across one. (One what? Essay or more experienced kajira? :-) Marcus) But for her, this 'link' seems to be very real. Shayla is certain that a great deal of it is due to how similar Master and her are in some things. We are both quiet, sensitive people. Neither of us can bear to see anything suffering. Both of us enjoy doing things for the people that are important to us. But it seems to go beyond that.

"There is a specific magic, so to speak, and chemistry, between each Master and each slave" (Savages of Gor, pg 199).

How one Man relates to one girl will not be how he relates to another. The same is true for slaves. Shayla can attest to that herself. Often she has been close to other Masters. Yet never has any of them brought out what her Owner does, to cause her to feel towards them as she does towards him. None of them have come close to handling and managing her so well.

As shayla recalls incidents that have taken place the past few months, she can point out a number of times the chemistry between her Master and herself has been palpable. There have been a few men that have come close to brushing against what shayla is in her depths. But none have come near as close to hitting the mark so dead-on as her Master. And as time goes by, his hold on her soul becomes greater.

Shayla often feels that she was put on this earth specifically to be his.



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