A Kajira's Tail

Life As A Gorean Slave Girl

Location: Houston, Texas, United States

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


Most Gorean relationships shayla is familiar with have one thing in common regarding money. It's all the Master's. It's the same principle that applies to the rest of the relationship, what belongs to the slave belongs to the Master.

Shayla has, in the past, been the one to hold the purse-strings. She has never been miserly, but she has been frugal. Often she has gone without so that those around her have what they need. As a result of her previous life she is very concientious of what she does with the money she's allowed access to in her slavery. Foremost in her mind is the fact that the money she handles is not hers. Her Master allows her a job out of the home. It allows her to fill her time and assist in contributing to the finances of the household. Though her Master does not actually require the money her efforts bring in.

For her, it is a situation that she still is adapting to. Her Master is one of the few men in her experience that is both good with money and cautious in his spending. He does not discourage shayla from asking for what she needs. In fact, he actually encourages it. It's shayla who keeps herself from asking, out of concern for requesting too much or abusing the priviledge. And there have been occasions when shayla has asked how her Master wishes her to use the funds from her paycheck, which bills, groceries, and so forth. His response continues to give her pause. 'It's all coming out of the same pot, dear.' A good example of the context in which he is thinking. For shayla, it is something she continues to get used to. Adapting to both ideas; that the money she earns is not at her disposal, and that her needs will be met with no chiding about the fact that she is asking for it.



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