Shayla has always been one to drive herself in things. Whether that be in school, her job, personal life, whatever. It's always been her that's been the deciding factor. In her previous relationships, it seems as though she was the one that made things happen. She was the main factor in finances, managing the household, whatever. Out of necessity, not from personal choice.
Here in Master's service it's a different matter entirely. She came here to find that the man she belongs to is, to her eye, a whirlwind of activity. Keeping up with him has proven to be a growing experience in and of itself. She is being held to a higher level of self-discipline than she's ever experienced. While Master's not dumped an unmanagable load of crap into her lap for her to handle, he's been pushing her to accomplish more, manage her time better so that she will ultimately serve him better. As time goes on and she learns more about what he's expecting in the duties he assigns her, his wishes become more precise, less flexible. He is holding her to a higher level of self-discipline than anything she's experienced. Wisely, though, he's doing it in such a manner that she can adapt to what he's expecting and meet it.
The results of this have been rather surprising to shayla, though she is certain Master hasn't been surprised. She's been learning how to push herself beyond what she thinks she is capable of. It's not happened overnight, and she certainly has a ways to go. But she's making progress, she can feel it, sense it in the way her Owner handles her and deals with her. He keeps raising the bar, asking more of her and encouraging her to meet what he's wanting. And she keeps finding herself somehow meeting them more.
Her progress is not smooth and easy. It's got weak points, she'll err in one way or another, which Master is quick to note and correct (with the switch from time to time, though his verbal lashes are equally, if not more so, dreaded). Always guiding her to his goal for her, keeping her focused on what she needs to be doing. And through all this guiding and direction that Master's giving her, she's learning how to push herself to be more than what she is. To manage herself and her time better for him, so they both gain what they are working towards, her perfection of service to him.
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