Mental Consumation
Master's pointed out to shayla that the largest sexual organ human beings have is the one between their ears, the brain.
(Actually, I've told her it's the only sexual organ that matters, not the largest. ;-) All sexual stimulation, be it a tongue on an erogenous zone, a vagina gripping a finger, a gaze at an erotic pic, a word of passion whispered in an ear, or even a memory of a past lover, are all simply different neural pathways to the brain. Which is why phone sex and erotic email all undeniably sex - if it's a stimulation of a nerve ending that ends up in the sexual parts of our brain, it's sex. - MLD)
His last entry brought to mind a relationship she had with a friend back in high school, in a number of ways. Jeremy was her best friend's boyfriend. Intelligent, a bit cocky, very self-assured. Our relationship was wholly, fully platonic. Not even a single kiss ever passed between us. Though shayla loved him tremendously, and would have done anything for him had he asked. He was very protective of her, very caring and happy to take this introverted girl under his wing. Looking at the relationship now, though the eyes of a mature 34 year old woman, instead of a terribly shy, 17-year old girl that'd never been touched, the friendship was very Gorean Master/slave, on an unconscious level.
Master's mentioned to shayla the term cadaverobedienz. A German term meaning to obey like a dead man. Obeying mindlessly with little thought as to personal desires or consequences. It was the way shayla was with Jeremy. He would command her as a slave, and she responded as such. Whether it was to find a book for him, or a simple 'stay' while he got out of the car at a convenience store for a moment. When we spent time together, shayla was inevitably at his feet in one way or another. While he was very committed to his relationship with her best friend, he still considered her 'his' girl on some levels.
There were still the sexual undertones, which were constant. And for her, at that stage of her non-existent sexual experience, very confusing. This was about the same time that she had found and began reading the Gorean books. Between the newly stirring feelings and burn to serve in her belly, and her sexually-saturated, but still completely platonic relationship with Jeremy, there were a number of times that the two collided into a wildly arousing mixture that she did not recognize for what it was. She could only try to disregard the aching in her body and mind until it passed.
So, when someone mistakes a Gorean Master/slave relationship as being only about sex, they are both very accurate and way off in left field (somewhere behind the wall, she thinks). Master and shayla do not spend all their time in the bedroom. We don't need to. It's continual on a purely mental level. One which colors each interaction. It is, to her mind, one of the more satisfying parts of our relationship. The bonds we have to each other transcend the physical and are on a level so strong and deep it's almost unnoticable, and seem to be growing daily. It's exponentially more intense than anything she's experienced. Though, if we look for it, it's always there.
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