A Kajira's Tail

Life As A Gorean Slave Girl

Location: Houston, Texas, United States

Sunday, March 27, 2005

What if.....

...your Master commands you to harm someone?

...tells you to jump out a second-storey window?

....involves you in illegal activities?

These types of questions are bounced around discussion boards all the time, but it seems as though they never really get answered.

It's a valid point when entering into a Master/slave relationship. How will your Master treat you? What will he expect? How will you react to it? A Gorean Master/slave dynamic is unconditional. Simply by entering his service, shayla has set aside any say she has. She's mentioned once or twice that he has all the authority, she doesn't.

So going into a relationship like this is bound to bring up questions that normally wouldn't even occur to a person. Simply because it is so unlimited. A person starts thinking about the possibilities and what if's when they're presented with the idea of serving someone so completely that they have no say in what the final decisions are. Shayla did something similar in a phone conversation she had with her Master. She can't recall the question, just knows that it was a ridiculous eventuality. She does recall her Master's response, though. A mixture of shock at the idea, and the honest insult of a person who'd not even dream of the idea that was presented to them.

Much the same can be said about ordinary life. What if the stairs collapse on my way down? Get hit by a bus while crossing the street? The elevator gets stuck and i can't contact anyone? There's a whole mixture of things that could go wrong at any time with things we depend on. That doesn't mean we lock ourselves up in our houses because we don't want a drunk driver to hit us while we're going to the grocery store.

The type of slavery that shayla, cee, and kaylee have entered into is very real. Shayla will not speak for kaylee or cee, but for herself, worrying about whether her Master will take her up on a roof and command her to jump isn't very productive. She worries more about how her obedience and physical training please him, how she can improve upon it. And if Master were to command her to jump off a roof, she has little doubt that the circumstances would be exceptional, and that she'd be in far more danger by not jumping than by doing so.



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