A Kajira's Tail

Life As A Gorean Slave Girl

Location: Houston, Texas, United States

Sunday, March 27, 2005


The job that shayla has been working for the past few months has been less than ideal for shayla. She won't go into details, but the place is not as well-run as it could be, with all the attendant problems that come with such a situation. So she started to look for another job. Master suggested that shayla work both part-time, give each place some time, decide which one shayla preferred, and stick with that. It makes sense. Shayla doesn't want to burn any bridges in settling into a position she would keep for a while.

So both jobs are part-time, one pared to just 2 days a week, the other kept at a minimum. Shayla has juggled her schedules in both places so there's no conflict. This weekend was a bit of a stretch, though. A 7-hour shift at one job, followed by an 8-hour shift the same day at job #2. The same type schedule the next day. Tiring, but at least it wasn't as bad as shayla expected. Until leaving for shift #2 on the second day. By then the house'd really suffered from shayla's lack of attention, and shayla was keenly aware of it.

Nobody can accuse Master of being a slob, but housekeeping is very much shayla's duty, not his. Normally shayla is continually keeping the place up. It never takes much effort, merely keeping on top of things. But two days of near-solid work leaves no time to take care of all the little things. Which pile up into Big Things. So it's a matter of catch-up at this stage. It's a good thing she'll not have to do this on a regular basis.



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