A Kajira's Tail

Life As A Gorean Slave Girl

Location: Houston, Texas, United States

Saturday, December 24, 2005


Occasionally shayla will stop into her work for a moment, say hello, see what's going on, that sort of thing. It's close to where miranda & shayla tan, the salon where miranda has her nails done.

The other day, shayla'd stopped into her work for a quick moment, & was in the middle of taking care of a few tasks while miranda was having her nails done. As she walked away from the building, she heard a man's voice behind her, "Bitch." She didn't recognize it until she turned, and realized that it was Curt, a Dom that comes in routinely, and knows shayla's life to a certain extent. Not Gorean, but still very nice. The two of us joke and talk regularly when he comes in.

He'd meant it in the same way that Master does when he calls shayla or miranda 'slut' or 'whore'. There's no negative connotation, instead, they're endearments. Master considers calling a woman a 'slut' to be a compliment, meaning the woman is not afraid or ashamed of her sexuality. Though Curt had never called shayla anything like that until that day. He had his girl with him, who laughed as she saw the expression on shayla's face. Curt was in his usual teasing mood, but there was a tone of seriousness in his voice when he commented on the look that shayla'd had on her face as she'd turned around.

'I didn't know it was you, Curt'

He laughed, 'I know you didn't, that's what's so funny.' He waved to the van they'd pulled up in, 'Put both hands on the vehicle, don't remove them until you're told to'

We were all still laughing about the situation, but at the same time shayla was unable to do anything but obey the command. Though she still remembered all the things that she needed to be doing; get the newspaper to her Master, go back to miranda, and they still had to tan before going home, as well. So she was stammering even as both hands pressed against the passenger window.

'But, Curt..i've got..the paper...miranda..."

He chuckled, turned with kala to enter the building. Meanwhile shayla's thinking, 'Why'm i doing this? He doesn't own me, and i've got duties to attend to' But for some reason she was unable to remove her hands from the glass until Curt turned, an instant before walking through the door. He smiled, then released her from the van with a wink and motion of his head. 'Behave, shayla' At that shayla turned from the window, walking towards home. Though she did turn and wave to them just as they walked into the door. The whole encounter took perhaps one minute. And left her flared up, burning with arousal while she went about her duties.



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