A Kajira's Tail

Life As A Gorean Slave Girl

Location: Houston, Texas, United States

Wednesday, March 09, 2005


We've all used them a time or two. Little reminders that will help us to keep in the forefront of our minds things that we want to remember. Grocery lists, placing items that will be taken with a person near the door or car keys, sticky notes placed on the refrigerator. Any number of little tricks to ensure we don't forget important things in life.

Something a number of women do is place some type of daily reminder on their bathroom mirror, where it'll be the first thing they see in the morning, the last at night, and regularly throughout the day. Shayla has heard of any number of women that do this on a regular basis. Her sister does it, and swears by it.

Shayla is still relatively new to her slavery and her service to her Master. And while she is ascompletely commited to pleasing him as always, she is still human. She messes up, sometimes worse than others. Never intentionally, though. But occasionally she still needs a nudge to keep her mind focused on what she now is, her Master's slave. A great deal of this, she's certain, is re-shaping ways of thinking and habits that have been established for years.
An entirely different mindset is taking shape. In some ways she is still making the adjustment from Free to slave. That doesn't make her feel any better when she's erred, though.

So one of her reminders is a little note on the bathroom mirror,
'Cadaverobedienz... treat every day as if it were your first serving him, shayla'
She reads it any time she happens to go into the room. It reminds her to keep in mind her Master's desire for her to be obedient to him, without question, in all things. And to act with the same care and attention to Master's wishes and her responses to them as she did when she first arrived here. Shayla only recalled this little trick the other day, so the note's not been there for long. But already she's noting that her eye goes to it each time it's in her sight.

Shayla has read about daily reminders, rituals, little behaviors and so forth that Masters and their girls use that help keep a new girl focused on what she now is and what her new place is. To keep her reminded of her status. From what she understands it is a help to them. So, for shayla, this is one of her little cues to keep her mind from straying off-course.



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